Sunday 15 March 2015

Week 1: Asset Swap

First week back in Leicester and I am now settled down in my cold and dirty house. The boiler should have been replaced over summer but Sulets apparently ‘just forgot’. Our first project is just a week long group project to concept and produce a small room with a certain amount of assets in it in engine, a roast pig, table, chair, tankard, shield and barrel.

I had 30 minutes to concept one of the assets, I did the pig. (also the tablets aren’t working on the school computers so we had to use a mouse.) I wanted to make it stylised but realistic in terms of texture.

Learning how to use PBR is tricky, completely baffled me at first but I think after some extensive research I will be able to use it. (sort of)  I had only really just gotten used to texturing using the old way, but I suppose the games industry develops faster than I thought.
I tried it out on this barrel but as you can see, I struggled to achieve a realistic look on the metal and it became a reflective chrome texture. I think PBR’s potential is far greater than the old diffuse/ specular approach but I really am going to have to practice to get myself used to it.

Also I am going to try and use this blog differently to last year and include more analysis of my own work, as well as reflecting on the course. Last year I kind of rushed it in the last few weeks which didn’t work our very well. I also try to spend a lot of time on personal projects so I will post some of those up too.

Some recent studies from life, got a model skull before summer from a friend so you will probably see that in a few of my studies.

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