Monday 16 March 2015

Week 6: More turrets

The turret is kindof shaping up, I went through the process that Mike talked us through to churn out a 3D paint over of the turret concept I have so far. I Abandoned the designer turret route for two reasons, being that I thought I didn’t have enough directions to experiment with in the design of the turret and that I don’t want to prioritize being different and ‘quirky’ over simlpe and strong design.

Strong design, in my opinion, often trumps technical ability. I often see amazingly rendered robots and characters that look fantastic, but have nothing interesting when it comes to their design. Just another space marine rip off. 

So with that choice I chose to create a non-lethal Police turret. I watched a ton of cool videos about sand bag ammo for shotguns and found a lot of pictures of the London riots from a few years ago. These are really cool references.

Colour iterations

3D paint over

This took way longer than I thought it had and to be honest I am not too happy with the result, I feel like it doesn’t have enough interesting colour relationships and I should definitely have gone through more iterations in the silhouette stage as I kinda think the final design isn’t very striking or fun.

Ahh well, I have a base model to work with for when I start modelling this. (which I should be doing right now.) Not sure how this will look in engine but I’ll definitely try to add some cool scratches and signs of wear to it as I think that would suit it being used in riots.

)Bad picture but some of the ref I had when doing this)

Apart from working on this and eating loads of sweets I have been doing some personal work too, I’ll just post some pictures, I’ve been having loads of fun indulging on stupid ideas.



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