Tuesday 17 March 2015

Week 7: Turret complete!

The turret project finished this week! I have once again learnt a lot of 3D techniques and maybe gotten slightly less bad at texturing. (That's a big maybe though.) We had to import our turret model into Unreal and make it spin around to follow the player.

I think the actual model of the turret was quite successful, I worked in a different way to how I usually would by making a rough high poly model in 3DS MAX and then got rid of the excess geometry that was eating up unnecessary tris.

You can sort of see that the topology worked well on a basic level from this sceenshot.

Having had a grand total of 0 hours working with blueprints, even copy and pasting the pre-done blueprints from the teachers was a bit hard for me. I can't say I want to learn it either. I know it wouldn't hurt to learn it, but I don't really feel that it is worthwhile for me. It feels like programming, which makes me shudder.

How I see blueprints.

I imported my turret okay though, although I don't think I have had enough practice with PBR yet. The normal map could have done with a little more love, as in places the model looks lumpy and not very metal like.

Final turret in engine.

I should definitely allocated more texture space to the grenade launder part of the turret, as the tubes look quite low resolution compared to the rest of the turret. Over all I think its a bit saturated and doesn't really capture the 'police' aesthetic I was going after.

One thing I did have fun with was the poster we had to create for the turret. This was only set at the beginning of the week, so it sn't particularly polished, but it adds a nice little bit of story telling to the asset.

I just want to paint and draw stupid stuff at the moment, hopefully the next project will accommodate this desire.

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