Thursday 9 April 2015

Week 17: Containers, more containers

Nearly finished, next week will be a review of how the project went. We have been importing all our models and textures into engine this week and are pretty much finished now. To be honest its been pretty painless, the only annoying thing about this project has been one team member in particular.

I really don't like to talk about people behind their backs but this person has just been horrible to work with from the start.

He's been very rude and demeaning towards myself and another team mate and constantly seems to pat himself on the back about all the work he's (we've) done.

Really put a downer on this project having to work with someone that doesn't work well in a team and clearly needs an ego check.

ANYWAY, enough being angry with team members. Here is some early screenshots of my shop area of the level. I populated this area and added general props and misc items around the level to make it look more inhabited.

Took longer than I thought adding bin bags and pipes everywhere.

Textures will be added after we have everything in scene, this gives us the chance to have a good feel of what it looks like before we start tweaking roughness maps and all that malarkey. Looks pretty good so far, but its far from over.

The shop

Crate interior

So when the textures are in we need to:

- Add blueprints to exit/enter level.

- Re-do lighting.

- Curl into a ball and cry

- Add sound effects and cool stuff like rain.

It sounds like a little, but if I have learnt anything from this project its that things always take longer than you originally think they will. Always. At least with game art.

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