Thursday 16 April 2015

Week 25: Oh dear...

Well I had a review this week, not too good, I think I'm gonna have to re-do my character project, not sure why as I thought I did quite well with it. Kind of annoying that we don't recieve feedback after the project is done, or even properly during it. Hey ho, I'll just add it to the ever growing to do list.

Oops! I forgot to do all of my work!

Anyway as I promised last week, here is the underground work I have so far. I wanted to introduce a little more story telling with this environment and make use of the rabbit character as an NPC. The idea is that you follow the rabbit through a huge underground crystal mine. (hence alice's armour.)

You'll get to the end of the level, which hasn't got a concept for it yet but is going to be a big excavation pit. You'll then fight the Crystal character I posted last week in a cool boss style battle. Really glad I don't have to do the blueprints for that...

This kinda thing.

Heres what I have so far: 
I really liked the idea of having rabbits as builders underground within the universe but the ones I did at the start of the project weren't really fitting into the style guide i set myself. These ones are a little less camp but are still the same idea.

Thumbnails for underground places, pretty ugly rough stuff, I find that although nothing pretty comes out of these sketches, I can generate a lot of ideas from them.

Some more developed 3D paint over stuff. I think you would class these as mood paintings as they are pretty rough and there isnt a huge amount of information in them. In the final shot I tried to make it more of an 'in game' style shot as I need to get a feel for what the universe looks like from a birds eye view.

Also I have been using the polygonal lasso tool for pretty much everything recently, its great for giving you hard edges in places you couldn't achieve them with just a paint stroke on it's own. Its my best friend at the moment.

Populating the underground level will be very important, as I want to make it seem busy and hazardous. More 3D paintover work here and some ideas on how the mining could take place.

Just remembered I really need to start the reflection task. I am kinda nervous to start as I am not particularly good at writing in a formal essay style. I would rather paint 2500 pictures than write 2500 words about paintings.

So yeah, more ideas and more paintings to come!

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