Tuesday 14 April 2015

Week 22: Keep on trucking

I woke up, my six alarms all shrieking at once. I slammed my finger down on the power switch of my computer and scrambled into some boxer shorts. 3 minutes until tickets go live. Refreshing every 10 seconds until finally, I’m in, desperate to hand over my £190 for an industry workshop ticket.


So yeah I got a ticket to Industry workshops 2015, I went last year and had a fantastic time, I learnt so much and made some cool new friends. I realised that I was actually taught more in those 3 days than… (Sorry I don’t want to hurt any feelings here, but you get the point.)

I’m looking forward to it a lot, and following this week’s feedback, I really think I need it! The feedback was mostly positive, but I really want to create ‘cooler art’. My tutors seem to be happy with the work I’m doing, I just kind of feel like I could do better.

 I’ve been working on designing environment concepts and some characters to populate them with .
I am creating the concepts for 3 levels:

·         Underground

·         Mushroom Forest

·         Queen of Heart’s Palace

Queen’s palace is what I really need to work on at the moment, I think it has so much potential and I haven’t really explored it fully. Back to the drawing board!

Here is some of the work I did this week ( and some last week.)

Really fun actually coming up with CONCEPT art, not just illustrations and paintings. Ideas being the main focus gives you a whole different approach.

 I kind of feel on top of OTM at the moment, and I am still having a great time with it. I feel so free being able to concept environments, characters and props with no team mates yelling at me to get back on with texturing a rock!

Oh also I have started work on a collaboration with a friend of mine who is studying animation at Bournemouth. He wants me to do the backgrounds for a short animation he and a small team are working on. Exciting! I’ll post a little of the stuff I have been doing for that too, but I probably shouldn’t show you everything.

Thumbnails on thumbnails on thumbnails.

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