Thursday 9 April 2015

Week 18: Container city is DONE!

Oh my god I didn't think I was gonna make it.

This last week has been tough.

All day every day has been spent grinding away on our level,final touches, fixing things that are intent on staying broken and dealing with a lack of sleep. Here are the final screenshots of some parts I was responsible for in the level.

I didn't do the container shop in the background but the foreground parts I mapped out in engine and textured/lit them. I had to make sure that parts of the level where the player wasn't meant to go were not distracting, but also interesting to look at.

Leading the player in with lines was something I tried to incorporate into this part of the level. People's eyes naturally follow lines, so to guide them through the level towards the exit I placed wires around the level. 

I think it was quite effective in the end and worked when we test played the level. 

With the lighting in my shop I tried to make it mirror my original concept for the aromatherapy shop as closely I could, while still adhering to the limitations that arose with our group project. Really red and really dingy was what I went for in the end. I think it should be slightly brighter than it is in the final level but we kind of ran out of time.

As well as leading the player around with wires on the floor, here we tried to use light to lead them through the shop into the final area of the level. We got the idea from one of the skyrim developer videos where they mention that they used water to act as a guide for people if theyre lost in a dungeon or cave.

We are really happy with how it came out as a whole, there are always things you want to change and make better but time really didn't permit us to indulge in this. If I had to re-do the project, I one thing I would have to change is to choose a group early, rather than being stuck with people I don't work well with, but I can't complain its not been that bad.

Just had a heart crushing moment though, I thought I was completely finished with the project, about to go home and have a lovey shower, and I now have to write the asset list for everything in scene. 

RIP me.

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